September 28-30, 2022

Texas Advanced Computing Center

Pickle Research Campus | Austin, TX

The annual TACC Symposium for Texas Researchers is a meeting of scientists, engineers, scholars, and students from across the state of Texas who use, and would like to use, the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) to advance their research goals.

This meeting will be an opportunity for you to showcase your ongoing research involving TACC resources, learn new and useful computing skills from a variety of tutorials, network with other Texas-based researchers, and hear information about the latest TACC systems and services. The meeting will be held in person September 28-30, 2022.

Registration Closed

Registration will close September 9th, 2022.


TACCSTER will be held in the ACB building on the J.J. Pickle Research Campus (PRC) of The University of Texas at Austin at 10100 Burnet Road, Austin, TX, 78758. Lodging recommendations can be found here (hotels on Domain Dr. close enough to walk).

TACCSTER Proceedings

Search the TACCSTER Proceedings community and collections stored in the University of Texas Library Repositories.

Poster Presentations & Lightning Talks

TACCSTER is accepting abstracts to be considered for a poster presentation at the symposium. Abstracts should highlight original research or related activities performed on TACC systems (any field of study). To be considered for a poster presentation, please submit a title, list of authors and affiliations, and a short abstract (300 words max) describing the work in a single Word Document or PDF to taccster@tacc.utexas.edu. The deadline for submission has been extended to August 19, 2022. Presenters will be notified of acceptance by August 26. Only one submission per presenter will be considered.

Abstracts submitted for poster presentation will be assessed on their overall content, impact, and relevance to TACC. Limited exceptional submissions will be invited to give a lightning talk in addition to a poster. Lightning talks will be no longer than five minutes (slides must be e-mailed to taccster@tacc.utexas.edu by September 26). Independent of lightning talks, poster presenters will be evaluated by a panel of judges on their overall content, impact, relevance to TACC, and the effectiveness of their communication. Select presentations will be highlighted on the TACC website following the symposium.

One-on-One Sessions with TACC Experts

There will be opportunities for registered symposium attendees to meet one-on-one with TACC staff and domain experts. If you would like to arrange a meeting, please email a short summary (2-3 sentences) of your interests and what you hope to achieve from a one-on-one meeting to taccster@tacc.utexas.edu. Requests must be submitted by September 23, 2022. Meeting slots are limited and we cannot guarantee that a member of the TACC staff will be available.

Travel & Participation Stipend

To broaden participation in the TACCSTER 2022 symposium from around the State of Texas, we are supporting up to six Travel and Participation Stipends for up to $1,500 each. The stipends are intended to cover registration, travel, and accommodation expenses incurred for attending TACCSTER 2022 in Austin. Stipend recipients will be expected to give a 15-20 minute Platform Talk on their TACC-related work in a dedicated session at the symposium. Travel assistance is provided by the NSF CC* project SWEETER award number #1925764. SWEETER provides training and support for your computational research.

Eligibility: The Travel & Participation Stipends are available to Undergraduate and Graduate Students who will be enrolled in institutions of higher education in the State of Texas at the time of the symposium. Priority will be given to those who would not otherwise be able to attend without receiving the Travel & Participation Stipend.

To apply, please send an email to taccster@tacc.utexas.edu including your Name, Year / Level of Study (e.g. "3rd year graduate student"), University & Department Affiliation, and an Abstract describing the work you would like to present. The abstract should contain a title, names and affiliations of all authors and coauthors, and a maximum of 300 words (pdf preferred). All information will be partially de-identified, then reviewed by a panel of experts. The application deadline has been extended to August 19, 2022 by 5:00pm Central Time.



      Lightning Talks


      Poster Session


Day 1: Wednesday, September 28, 2022

12:30pm - 2:30pm Portable, Scalable, and Reproducible Scientific Computing: from Cloud to HPC Containers at TACC CUDA Programming: The basic concepts in C and Fortran
2:30pm - 4:30pm  

Day 2: Thursday, September 29, 2022

10:00am - 10:15am Welcome
10:15am - 10:45am Dr. Dan Stanzione

Executive Director, Texas Advanced Computing Center
Associate Vice President for Research, The University of Texas at Austin

"State of the Center Address"

10:45am - 11:15am KEYNOTE — Dr. Peter Fox

Director, Research Imaging Institute
Malcolm Jones Professor of Radiology
Professor, Departments of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Physiology
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

"BrainMap Community Portal: A Meta-Connectomics Resource"

11:15am - 11:30am Break
11:30am - 12:15pm Lightning Talks
12:15pm - 1:15am Lunch (provided)
1:15pm - 1:45pm Dr. Georgia Stuart

Research Scientist, Cyberinfrastructure & Research Support
Office of Information Technology, The University of Texas at Dallas

"How To Incorporate CI/CD When Your Science Requires HPC"

1:45pm - 2:00pm Platform Talk — Adly Noore

The University of Texas at Arlington

"Automated Identification of Cotton Diseases and Pests"

2:00pm - 2:15pm Platform Talk — Jonathan Towne

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

"Discovering Pathophysiologic Networks of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy using the BrainMap Community Portal through the Texas Advanced Computing Center"

2:15pm - 2:30pm Platform Talk — Satwik Dutta

The University of Texas at Dallas

"Towards Baseline End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for Exploring STEM Learning in Children"

2:35pm - 4:35pm Poster Session
4:35pm - 5:00pm Tours / Networking / One-on-Ones

Day 3: Friday, September 30, 2022

9:00am - 9:15am Opening Remarks
9:15am - 9:45am Dr. Micaela Bagley

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Astronomy
The University of Texas at Austin

"Exploring Galaxies in the Early Universe with JWST/CEERS"

9:45am - 10:00am Platform Talk — Orune Aminul

The University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley

"Robust Software Vulnerability Detection using Bayesian Gated Recurrent Unit"

10:00am - 10:15am Platform Talk — Mishal Raza

University of North Texas

"Molding Aortic Valve Hemodynamics Using a Novel Immersed Boundary Method"

10:15am - 10:30am Platform Talk — Steven Carlisle

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

"Rare Copy Number Variants Implicated in Bicuspid Aortic Valve"

10:30am - 11:15am Tours / Networking / One-on-Ones
11:15am - 12:00pm TACCSTER Town Hall