TACC Software


High Performance Computing


Cloud Computing

Visit the Software List to view a list of all software available for use on TACC's systems.

High Performance Computing  

Name Description Funding Source Contact
amask The amask tool exposes process masks (affinity) of an application within a parallel environment, so that users can determine the cores/hardware-threads where each process is allowed to run. NSF Award 1134872 Kent Milfeld
ICAT ICAT assists users in modifying, compiling, and optimally running their applications on HPC platforms equipped with the Intel Knights Landing (KNL) processors. NSF Award #1642396
NSF Award #1359304
Lars Koesterke
idev Idev creates an Interactive DEVelopment environment on a compute node from the user's login window. NSF Award 1134872 Kent Milfeld
The Launcher The launcher is a framework for running large collections of serial or multi-threaded applications, known as High Throughput Computing (HTC), as a single multi-node parallel job on batch-scheduled High Performance Computing (HPC) systems.   John Fonner
Lmod A Lua based module system that easily handles the MODULEPATH Hierarchical problem. NSF Robert McLay
pylauncher The pylauncher is a customizable launcher utility that provides base classes and routines that take care of most common tasks   Victor Eijkhout
Remora REMORA (REsource MOnitoring for Remote Applications) provides a simple interface to gather important system utilization data while running on HPC systems. N/A Si Liu
Sanity Tool Sanity Tool includes a group of generic and machine-specific tests that are used to evaluate the correctness of a user's account configurations. N/A Robert McLay
Shell Startup Debug Shell Startup Debug is used to trace the behavior of the startup scripts on your system. N/A Robert McLay
Showq/Showres/qlimits The main purpose of this project is to provide convenient tools for HPC users and administrators with easy-to-use SLURM interface or commands. N/A Si Liu
TACC Stats An infrastructure for the low-overhead collection of system-wide performance data that integrates information from a variety of sources. NSF ACI-1203560 Bill Barth
XALT A tool that allows supercomputer support staff to collect and understand job-level information about the libraries and executables that end-users access during their jobs. NSF ACI-1339690 Robert McLay

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Name Description Funding Source Contact
Display Cluster DisplayCluster is a software environment for interactively driving large-scale tiled displays. The software allows users to interactively view media such as high-resolution imagery and video, as well as stream content from remote sources such as laptops / desktops or high-performance remote visualization machines.   Gregory D. Abram
GraviT Two-pronged approach: GraviT will replace the OpenGL pathways commonly used for visualization with a high-performance, open-source ray tracing engine that can interactively render on both a CPU and on accelerator architectures; GraviT will provide a direct interface to a high-performance distributed ray tracing engine. Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI
TACC and ParaTools - ACI-1339863
Oregon - ACI-1339840
Utah - ACI-1339881
Paul A. Navrátil
Massive Pixel Environment (MPE) MPE is a library for extending Processing sketches to multi-node tiled displays. This library makes it possible to render interactive Processing sketches across distributed computing systems on many displays. National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Heri Nieto
SpRay A distributed-memory speculative ray tracer for out-of-core and in situ rendering   Paul Navrátil
Texas Pandemic Flu Toolkit The Texas Pandemic Flu Toolkit is a collection of tools for forecasting and simulating flu pandemics, as well as optimizing health resources across the state. These tools are made available via a web-based interface, where users can compute new models and interactively visualize results using a variety of methods. Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Paul A. Navrátil

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Cloud Computing

Name Description Funding Source Contact
Abaco Abaco (Actor Based Containers) is a functions-as-a-service platform based on Linux container technology and the actor model for concurrent computation. NSF Award SI2-SSI 1740288 Joe Stubbs
Tapis The Tapis Framework provides a hosted, unified web-based API for securely managing computational workloads across institutions so that experts can focus on their research instead of the technology needed to accomplish it. NSF Awards #1931439 and #1931575 Joe Stubbs

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