We work with centers that share our passion for HPC, visualization, data analysis, cloud and mobile development, and education and outreach.
Collaborate with TACC: TACC is always looking to develop new collaborations with technology institutes and high performance computing centers in other countries for knowledge-sharing, training and technology transfer. For more information, please contact our Industrial Programs Office.
The CoLab was launched in 2006 by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) as part of a national strategy to promote Portuguese scientific and technological capacity. It is based on collaborative partnerships between The University of Texas at Austin and select universities and laboratories in Portugal.
To increase Portuguese research and postgraduate studies in emerging technologies, TACC is providing high performance computing and scientific visualization training, and access to computing resources for Portuguese university researchers.
One of the main objectives for CoLab is the establishment of joint degree PhD programs in Digital Media, Mathematics, and Advanced Computing among participating universities in Portugal, leading to dual degree programs with The University of Texas at Austin.
For more information, visit UT Austin/Portugal's CoLab.
Deployed in 2008, Ranger was TACC's largest system and the most powerful open academic supercomputer in the world. Over its five year lifespan, researchers from more than 350 institutions across the country used Ranger in support of more than 2,200 research projects.
When it was decommissioned in 2013, portions of the system were donated to high performance computing centers in three African countries: 20 racks were shipped to South Africa, 16 racks to Tanzania, and four racks went to Botswana. This distribution provides even greater access to advanced computing systems that would otherwise be unfeasible for these institutions.
TACC staff members will use their technical expertise and training to support the African supercomputing centers as they learn to use the Ranger hardware, and ultimately power discoveries of their own.