Genes That Shape Bones Identified, Offering Clues About Our Past and Future Frontera supports analysis of deep learning models for genetic map of skeletal proportions by Jorge Salazar Sept. 14, 2023 Feature Story Frontera Frontera supports analysis of deep learning models for genetic map of skeletal proportions
Geologists Challenge Conventional View of Earth’s Continental History, Stability Frontera geodynamics simulations help explore tectonic plate underbelly by Jorge Salazar Aug. 22, 2023 Feature Story Frontera Frontera geodynamics simulations help explore tectonic plate underbelly
Researchers Develop Active Learning Workflow to Optimize Drug Design TACC’s Frontera supercomputer aids machine learning workflow for COVID-19 drug screening by Jorge Salazar Aug. 15, 2023 Feature Story Frontera TACC’s Frontera supercomputer aids machine learning workflow for COVID-19 drug screening
2023-2024 Frontera Fellows Cohort — Welcome Aboard! TACC’s Frontera Computational Science Fellowship for 2023-2024 commenced in June by Damian Hopkins Aug. 7, 2023 Q&A Frontera TACC’s Frontera Computational Science Fellowship for 2023-2024 commenced at the start of June
Deep Learning for New Protein Design AI-augmented pipeline with Frontera yields ten-fold increase in target binding success by Jorge Salazar Aug. 3, 2023 Feature Story Frontera AI-augmented pipeline with Frontera yields ten-fold increase in target binding success
2022-2023 Frontera Fellows Cohort — So Long and Good Luck! Read about the Fellows’ experiences by Damian Hopkins July 17, 2023 Q&A Frontera Read about the Fellows’ experiences
Novel algorithm improves understanding of plasma shock waves in space Frontera and Stampede2 supercomputers help scientists resolve and analyze challenging plasma shock wave structures by Jorge Salazar July 10, 2023 Press Release Frontera Frontera and Stampede2 supercomputers help scientists resolve and analyze challenging plasma shock wave structures
Hubble Telescope Finds Double Quasar in Early Universe Simulations on TACC's Frontera supercomputer enable researchers from Carnegie Mellon to understand the unexpected observation by Jorge Salazar May 2, 2023 Press Release Frontera Simulations on TACC's Frontera supercomputer enable researchers from Carnegie Mellon to understand the unexpected observation
Brain Games Reveal Clues on How the Mind Works Deep learning models of human behavior developed on TACC’s Maverick2 by Jorge Salazar April 24, 2023 Feature StoryPodcast Frontera Deep learning models of human behavior developed on TACC’s Maverick2
New Simulation Reveals Secrets of Exotic Form of Electrons called Polarons Conditions mapped through simulations on DOE and TACC supercomputers for predicting polarons in 2D materials by Jorge Salazar March 22, 2023 Feature StoryPodcast Frontera Conditions mapped through simulations on DOE and TACC supercomputers for predicting polarons in 2D materials