Research Experience for Undergraduates

Cyberinfrastructure Research for Social Change:
June 3 – August 2, 2024

The National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site: Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Research for Social Change is engaging 10 undergraduate students each summer for nine weeks in solving real-world problems of national relevance, teaching them to not only be critical thinkers, but to be creative and reflective as well.

Students gain skills in advanced programming and problem solving and use the CI to conduct cutting-edge research in engineering, science, and computational medicine. Research projects emphasize advanced computing as a tool to power discoveries that will impact social change for future generations.

The enriching and transformative experience at a world-class supercomputing center includes:

  • Training in High Performance Computing (HPC), visualization, and data intensive computing
  • Mentoring by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin
  • Social and team-building activities
  • Professional development and graduate school preparation
  • Leadership development opportunities to develop and enhance communication skills
  • Technical report and publication opportunities

Application & Selection

The application period for Summer 2024 is November 1, 2023 – April 1, 2024. To apply, applicants must create an NSF Education and Training Application (ETAP)  account, search for the Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Research 4 Social Change REU opportunity, and apply before April 1, 2024. The application requires a personal statement describing academic and career goals and two references. At least one recommender should be college/university faculty.

REU participants may be asked to submit unofficial transcripts.

Notifications of acceptance for Summer 2024: Rolling until April 15.


  1. Enrolled as an undergraduate student in good standing and plan to complete an undergraduate degree program at a U.S. college or university.
  2. At least 18 years of age at the start of the program.
  3. A U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. Contingent on funding, this site may sponsor one additional participant that does not meet this criteria (with non-REU funds).


Participants will receive:

  • A $6,300 stipend.
  • Housing (+ meal card) at The University of Texas at Austin.
  • Travel arranged by TACC.
  • Travel grants to present research at an annual conference will be available to selected participants


Neddie Ann Underwood

Program Coordinator


CI Research 4 Social Change REU is made possible with the support of National Science Foundation Award #2150390.