WeTeach_CS Regional Partners

"Regional Partners are carrying on the teacher recruitment, professional learning, and district management work that began, and as such, they are now the power users of tools and processes and are best suited to offer valuable feedback and input."

CS Fundamentals

Computer science is foundational knowledge for all students in the 21st century. But a lot of schools don't teach it, especially at the elementary level. But now you can. With the help of, WeTeach_CS is providing a no-cost, one day workshop for K-5 teachers interested in teaching computer science. Over 80,000 teachers have participated in a workshop and the majority say it's the best PD they've ever attended. You will receive: In-person instruction including an intro to computer science, pedagogy, an overview of the online curriculum, teacher dashboard, and strategies for teaching "unplugged" classroom activities. In addition, you will receive: printed curriculum guide, certificate of completion, and fun swag. This session is designed for teachers, librarians, instructional coaches, and administrators grades K-5 to learn about resources and how to begin to integrate computer science into your future curriculum. This is a BYOD session, please bring your fully charged laptop, tablet or iPad and a power cord.

Elementary School Teachers

We welcome elementary school teachers to sign up year-round for our no-cost, high-quality one-day professional development workshops for Computer Science Fundamentals courses from an experienced computer science facilitator.

Find a CS Fundamentals workshop near you

Type in your zip code on the site to find existing workshops in your area. If none appear you can request your own workshop, as long as you have 12 attendees, by contacting your Regional Partner through the yellow button below the map.

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Professional Learning Program - CS Discoveries and CS Principles

Texas Computer Science courses, including those aligned to CS Discoveries (Fundamentals of CS) and CS Principles, have recently moved to CTE and qualify for weighted funding. Teachers should check with their administrators to see if these funds are available to support their involvement in this Professional Learning Program. There are also scholarships available for those that qualify. Fundamentals of CS and CS Principles (AP and non-AP) can be taught by a teacher with either a Technology Applications or Computer Science 8-12 certification.

CS Discoveries

Computer Science Discoveries is appropriate for 6-10th-grade students and can be taught as a semester or year-long introductory course (3-5 hours per week of instruction for 9+ weeks). The course takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as programming, physical computing, HTML/CSS, and data. The course inspires students as they build their own websites, apps, games, and physical computing devices.

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CS Principles

Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. More than a traditional introduction to programming, it is a rigorous, engaging, and approachable course that explores many of the foundational ideas of computing so all students understand how these concepts are transforming the world we live in.

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