Tomislav Urban

Senior Software Developer
Data Management and Collections

Phone: 512-471-6532 | Email:

Tomislav is a developer in the Data Management and Collections group. In this role, he is responsible for database design and application programming, web programming and technologies, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and relational database technology. In addition, he is working on ways to deliver geospatial data collections to the research community. Tomislav joined TACC as a Grid Technology Developer in November 2002. Prior to TACC, Tomislav spent six years in Information Technology (IT) consulting and software engineering.

Selected Publications

Portals & Portlets, Presented two papers: "GPIR - GridPort Information Repository" and "GridPort 3.0 Plans." July 2003, Edinburgh, Scotland

GlobusWorld 2004: "GridPort: Using Globus for Grid-Enabled Web Portals" January 2004, San Francisco, California

PASIG 2009: "Data Curation Working Group" October 2009, San Francisco, California

AIM-UP 2010: "Project Updates" October 2010, Santa Fe, New Mexico

AIM-UP 2012: "Project Updates" February 2012, Fairbanks, Alaska

Current Projects

  • Natural History Collections
  • Paleogeographic Mapping


  • Global Grid Forum