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Kelly joined TACC as Associate Director in September 2001 and then served as the Director of Visualization. Currently, she is the Director of Health Analytics at TACC and Associate Professor, Department of Women's Health at the Dell Medical School, UT Austin. She received her doctoral degree in Computational Engineering from Mississippi State University in May 2000, and received her masters and bachelors degrees in Computer Science from Texas A&M University in 1992 and 1988 respectively. She has over thirty refereed publications in fields ranging from Computational Mechanics to Supercomputing Applications to Scientific Visualization. She has given a number of invited talks and has actively participated in conferences related to her field.
I. Woo, R. Maciejewski, K. Gaither, and D. Ebert, "Feature-driven Data Exploration for Volumetric Rendering," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, to appear, 2012.
R. Maciejewski, Y. Jang, I. Woo, H. Janicke, K. Gaither, and D. Ebert, "Abstracting Attribute Space for Transfer Function Exploration and Design," submitted to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2011.
Y. Jang, D. Ebert, and K. Gaither, "Time-Varying Data Visualization using Functional Representations," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, to appear 2011.
C. Harrison, H. Childs, and K. Gaither, "Data-Parallel Mesh Connected Components Labeling and Analysis," Proceedings of EGPGV 2011.
E. W. Bethel, J. van Rosendale, D. Southard, K. Gaither, H. Childs, E. Burgger, and S. Ahern, "Visualization at Supercomputing Centers: The Tale of Little Big Iron and the Three Skinny Guys," IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications Vis Viewpoints, January 2011.
Ph.D., Computational Engineering Mississippi State
M.S., Computer Science Texas A&M University
B.S., Computer Science Texas A&M University