John Cazes, Ph.D.

High Performance Computing Directorate

Phone: 512-232-5777 | Email:

Dr. Cazes joined TACC in March 2005. Prior to TACC, he served as Outreach lead to Naval Oceanographic Office Major Shared Resource Center (DOD) users for Lockheed Martin. Currently, he serves as the director of the High Performance Computing group at TACC. He has over 20 years of experience in high performance computing in public and private industry. Dr. Cazes relies on his background in HPC, astrophysics, and climate/weather/ocean modeling to support the wide variety of researchers on TACC resources. His primary research interests are parallel I/O and advanced architectures.

Selected Publications

Useful Alternative to the Multipole Expansion of 1/r Potentials, Howard S. Cohl, A. R. P. Rau, Joel E. Tohline, Dana A. Browne, John E. Cazes, and Eric I. Barnes. 2001 November, Physical Review A, 64, 2509.

Self-Gravitating Gaseous Bars. I. Compressible Analogs of Riemann Ellipsoids with Supersonic Internal Flows, John E. Cazes and Joel E. Tohline. 2000 April 1, The Astrophysical Journal, 532, 1051.

Intrinsic Nonaxisymmetric Instabilities in Galaxy Rings, Dimitris M. Christodoulou, John E. Cazes, and Joel E. Tohline. 1997, New Astronomy, 2, 1.

Implementation of an Important Wave Model on Parallel Architectures, Tim Campbell, John Cazes, and Erick Rogers. Proceedings of MTS/IEEE Oceans 2002 Conference, 1509.

A Heterogeneous Computing Environment to Simulate Astrophysical Fluid Flows, John E. Cazes, Joel E. Tohline, Howard S. Cohl, and Patrick M. Motl. Proceedings of the DoD User.s Group Conference 1999, Monterey, California, June, 1999.


Ph.D., Physics
Louisiana State University

M.S., Physics
Louisiana State University

B.A., Applied Physics
Magna Cum Laude, Louisiana State University


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