Feng Liu, Ph.D.

Research Associate
Expanding Pathways in Computing

Email: fliu@tacc.utexas.edu

Feng joined TACC in September 2023 as a research associate with the Expanding Pathways in Computing (EPIC) team. Prior to this role, he served as a senior research scientist at Amazon, a senior researcher at American Institutes for Research, and a postdoctoral associate at University of Florida. Feng possess extensive experience in research planning and design, survey development, psychometrics, data analytics, and statistical modeling for program evaluation to improve attitudes, behavior and experience, providing valuable insights to inform policy decisions. He has a proven track record of effective collaboration with cross-functional teams to ensure project success and has disseminated research findings through peer-reviewed journal publications, national conference presentations, and technical reports.

Selected Publications

Beck, D., Maranto, R., Tran, B., Clark, T., & Liu, F. (2023). Forced choice? Is bullying pushing non-binary students into cyber schools? Educational Review, DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2023.2167068.

Schwarzhaupt, R., Liu, F., Wilson, J., Lee, F., & Rasberry, M. (2021). Teachers’ Engagement and Self-Effcacy in a PK–12 Computer Science Teacher Virtual Community of Practice. Journal of Computer Science Integration, 4(1): 1, pp. 1–14. DOI: doi.org/10.26716/ jcsi.2021.10.8.34.

Gnedko-Berry, N., Park, S., Liu, F., Borman, T., & Manzeske, D. (2020). How Is the Concentration of National Board Certified Teachers Related to Student Achievement and Teacher Retention? Teachers College Record.

Liu, F., Ritzhaupt, A., Dawson, K., & Barron, A. (2016). Explaining technology integration in K-12 classrooms: A multilevel path analysis model. Educational Technology Research and Development, 65(4), 795-813. 

Current Projects

  • Expanding Pathways in Computing

Areas of Research

  • Study Design
  • Survey Development & Psychometrics
  • Statistical Modeling
  • Program Evaluation
  • Computer Science Education
  • Educational Technology