Dan Stanzione, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President For Research
Executive Director, TACC

Phone: 512-471-2763 | Email: dan@tacc.utexas.edu

Dr. Dan Stanzione is a nationally recognized leader in the field of high performance computing who has made an impact in the open science community for more than 30 years.

He is Executive Director of the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), one of the leading advanced academic computing centers in the world and holds the position of Associate Vice President for Research at The University of Texas at Austin.

Stanzione serves as the principal investigator (PI) for the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Leadership Class Computing Facility (LCCF), which started construction in July 2024 and is expected to begin operations in 2026. The LCCF will deploy Horizon, which will be the largest academic supercomputer dedicated to open science research in the NSF portfolio.

Stanzione is also the PI for several current NSF-funded supercomputers including Frontera, the fastest supercomputer at a U.S. university, and Vista, an AI-centric system—all dedicated to open science research.

Stanzione received his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and his master's degree and doctorate in computer engineering from Clemson University.

Professional Experience

2018-Present | The University of Texas at Austin
Associate Vice President for Research

2014-Present | The University of Texas at Austin
Executive Director, Texas Advanced Computing Center

2009-2014 | The University of Texas at Austin
Deputy Director, Texas Advanced Computing Center

2004-2009 | Arizona State University
Director, High Performance Computing, Fulton School of Engineering
Affiliate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

2003-2004 | National Science Foundation/American Association for Advancement of Science
Science Policy Fellow, Division of Graduate Education

2001-2003 | Clemson University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Assistant

1997-2000 | Clemson University
Professor/Research Associate/Director of Supercomputing and Biocomputing
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Graduate Teacher of Record

1992-1997 | Clemson University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Research Assistant

Selected Publications

Mock, Hanlon, Stanzione, Rathje, "The DesignSafe CI Architecture", Proceedings of Gateways '16.

Stewart et al, "Jetstream – performance, early experience, and early results", Proceedings of XSEDE16, July 2016 (Best Tech Paper Award).

Gaffney et al, "Building Wrangler: A Transformational Data Intensive Resource for the Open Science Community", 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data.

L. Koesterke, J.E. Koltes, N. T. Weeks, K. Milfeld, M. W. Vaughn, J.M. Reecy, D. Stanzione, "Optimizing the PCIT algorithm on Stampede's Xeon and Xeon Phi processors for faster discovery of biological networks", XSEDE13 Conference (Best paper award).

James, Rosales, Stanzione, "Offline Parallel Debugging: A Case Study", Proceedings of XSEDE12, Chicago, Illinois, July 2012.

Koersterke, Stanzione, Vaughn, et al "An Efficient and Scalable Implementation of SNP-pair Interaction Testing for Genetic Association Studies", Proceedings of HICOMB, the IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology, May, 2011.

Jordan, Stanzione, "Comprehensive Data Infrastructure for Plant Bioinformatics", Workshop on Interfaces and Abstractions for Scientific Data Storage, IEEE Cluster, September, 2010.

Mehringer, Woody, Dolgert, Lantz, Stanzione, "Maximizing Computational Learning for Faculty and Student Scientists: The Ranger Virtual Workshop", Proceedings of the TeraGrid'09 Conference, August, 2009.

Digirilamo, Lindekugel, Stanzione, "A Scalable Framework for Offline Parallel Debugging", Proceedings of the 9th LCI Conference on High Performance Clustered Computing, April, 2008.

Emeneker, Stanzione, "Dynamic Virtual Clustering", Proceedings of the International Conference on Cluster Computing, September, 2007.

Sass, Miller, Stanzione, et al "Investigating the Feasibility of FPGA-based Petascale Computing", Proceedings of Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines, IEEE Computer Society Press, April, 2007

Emeneker, Jackson, Butikofer, Stanzione, "Dynamic Virtual Clustering with Xen and Moab", Frontiers of High Performance Computing and Networking – ISPA 2006 Workshops, pp. 440-451, 2006.

Jones, Pang, Ligon, Stanzione, "Characterization Bandwidth Aware Meta-Schedulers for Co-Allocating Jobs in a Mini-Grid", Journal of Supercomputing, October, 2005.

Ooi, Hector, Adams, Stanzione, "First Principles Study of the Aluminum-Cubic Boron Nitride Interface", Journal of Adhesion, December, 2005.

{Accepted} Debardeleben, Sass, Stanzione, "Building Problems Solving Environments with the Arches Framework", Journal of Systems and Software, November, 2005.

Jones, Pang, Ligon, Stanzione, "Job Communication Characterization and it's impact on Meta -Scheduling Co-Allocated Jobs on a Mini-Grid", International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, April, 2004.

DeBardeleben, Ligon, Stanzione, "Coven - a Framework for High Performance Problem Solving Environments ", Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Conference on High Performance Distributed Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press, July, 2002

Book Chapter Co-Author, Beowulf Cluster Computing for Linux , 2nd Edition, edited by Bill Gropp, MIT Press, November, 2003.


Ph.D., Computer Engineering
Clemson University, 2000

M.S., Computer Engineering
Clemson University, 1993

B.S., Electrical Engineering
Clemson University, B.S. (Electrical Engineering), 1991