Akhil Seth

Software Developer
Advanced Computing Interfaces

Phone: 512-232-6575 | Email: akhil@tacc.utexas.edu

Akhil joined TACC as a Software Developer in May 2003. As a member of the Data and Information Systems group, he develops database-driven applications in support of scientific research. He has also developed grid-based web portals and toolkits as a former member of the Distributed and Grid Computing group. Before joining TACC, Akhil was a summer intern at the San Diego Supercomputer Center for five consecutive summers, where he helped develop Perl-based grid portals such as the NPACI HotPage and the GAMES portal.

Current Projects

  • Microsoft Technical Computing Initiative (TCI) NSF TeraGrid

Areas of Research

  • Database Application Development
  • Software Architecture and Development Methodologies
  • Distributed and Grid Computing Technologies
  • Web Portals